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Interview with Matsumoto Hajime
29th April 2011, Shirōto no ran shop, Kōenji

Interview by Julia Leser & Clarissa Seidel
Transcript and translation by Akai Yasuo

Matsumoto Hajime is the head of Shirōto no ran (“Amateur’s revolt”), a collective of shop and bar owners in Kōenji, Tokyo. He and his friends have become politically active since 2004, they have been organizing rallies and events and since March 11th 2011, they have been organizing he biggest anti-nuke demonstrations in Japan since the 1970s. We met Matsumoto in his recycle shop in Kōenji, to talk about the recent developments in Japan and his perspectives for the future.

What is Shirōto no ran?

It’s not easy to say what Shirōto no ran is. Our secondhand clothing stores, as well as the other cafés, bars, and event spaces have this name. We rally against the norm dominating Japan in which we can do nothing but consume. We are claiming a place for this purpose. We appear to run these shops, which we do, but this is also an action. People from various backgrounds come together and have fun, and also have jobs here.


How did it all start?

As a university student, I was determined to live freely even if it meant being poor. My first action group, involving other poor students across Japan, did a lot of actions. At that time, things, including our streets, were getting cleaner and more sophisticated. The cleaner and the more sophisticated our place became, the more suffocating our lives became. Being clean and sophisticated could have been fine, but it should have not restricted our way of living. So, we went against this. Our various actions, such as throwing a party in an area people did not expect something such as that to happen, took place in the streets, even in Shinjuku. At some point we began taking over some streets. So, that’s how we ended up running these shops.


Shirōto no ran came to life in Kōenji. Can you explain what makes this part of Tokyo special?

They call Kōenji, a sort of ‘Western’ part of Tokyo, a young people’s town. Though, actually, the residents are not simply young people. They are not just students or young employees. They are musicians, actors, and painters. They are always being themselves. Having such people here attracts many similar others. Here everyone has his or her own way of living. This is interesting, because the people here have time to seek something. All those weird people are hanging out here, so this town is
very different from any others. The people react to what is going on here passionately. They are looking for exciting things. It is easy to meet like-minded people. What you do here gets immediate responses. It’s fun to be here.


The idea of community seems to be important for you…

I can’t tell you what an ideal community should be like. All I want is rather modest. In our neighborhood with its shopping streets, the people, despite their different lifestyles and generations, all know each other. The young people not only know people of their generation, but also the old neighbors. They know the man running the buckwheat noodle restaurant, the man owning the small local electric shop, or the woman running the greengrocery. They share a sense of community. But, it’s not like we all have to do the same, like during Pre-War Japan.  We respect the other people’s values, and then we pursue what we want. My ideal community should allow this. And Kōenji is actually getting close. We are on good terms with older neighbors. When we started this, many shops except for the few run by old people, had already been closed. Just a few people were walking around. The old people were happy when new shops like ours were increasing. The old neighbors came to drink with us. In this area we bond across generations. It is nice.
I don’t really like some isolated hippie communes, such as those in the mountains. Their ideas about how life should be may have been right. But those kinds of people are isolating themselves, even if they could have made a good community, so I don’t think that’s right. You should be able to meet many different kinds of people and values and do what you want at the same time. That’s my ideal. That’s why I like to remain in a town.


Please explain your ideas about autonomy to us.

About autonomy? The town at this moment is sort of  like when I was a student and our university buildings were rebuilt against our will, it is getting cleaner and much too organized. Many things are now forbidden. And those inhibitions don’t appear to be wrong, like, ‘Don’t throw garbage here,’ or, ‘Don’t smoke here.’ But it should be our neighbors who decide those things. If we are all fine with smoking, it should be allowed here. But, all the decision makings are top-down. This is wrong, absolutely wrong. We should make our town on our own. Our neighbors should decide how we communicate to each other, what we want, and what we reject. How a town should be has to be up to its residents, or our town will be ruined.


What is the reason you started protesting eventually?

I’m doing this because our society is becoming more brutal. Communities are broken, people are alienated. Since only money can solve problems in this economic system, the poorer you are, the more you have to pay. Japan has been busy building  this sort of a society, though this system now appears to be broken in itself. I’ve long been against the system in which the rich people take the poor people’s money away. That has been my preoccupation. I’ve been trying to connect the poor people to each other in order to protect us all against the system.


You have been organizing the anti-nuke rally that took place here in Kōenji on April 10 2011. I think it was really different to other rallies Japan has seen so far…

Our anti-nuke rally which took place on April 10th in Kōenji was very different from conventional rallies in Japan. The conventional ones are organized by the same organizations which have long been running the same way. For example, how to notify people about an action is the same.  The same labor unions distribute the fliers to the same offices of the organizations. They know who will show up. How the leaders lead the speaking choir is the same. They carry the flags of their organizations. Even if you want to join them, you hesitate because you worry about whether you would feel excluded. We are just secondhand stores and bars. There’s no way to find out how these organizations run. That time people knew about our action via the Internet. The number of participants just swelled. We called the action, but we were not leading it. There were no organizations or political parties. People from all walks of life expressed things in their own ways. It was rather like those rallies that take place in Europe.


Is there something that inspires you to do this?

I’m not imitating any activists or revolutionaries, even though they are doing great things. But, I’ve been inspired by many things. First I was inspired by those old-fashioned leftists who were still active at the university I was in. It looked ridiculous from today’s view. They wore a helmet and clashed with the university officials and the police. I was surprised by that, like ‘Wow! They are still doing such a thing.’ I didn’t like how they did it. But their serious resistance had an impact on me. I was convinced I could have rebelled against whatever I didn’t like. And I thought I could have done it in my own way. When I visited Europe, I was taken to see their rallies, gatherings, and how they make their own place. I was shocked by how they did things differently then from how the Japanese did. I admired their way.


Not only in Europe, but also in North Africa are a  lot of protests recently. What do you think about that?

I liked what happened in Egypt. It was a wake-up call that changed the notion of revolution. I liked that that leaderless crowd was able to swell by using the Internet. There might have been some leaders, but it wasn’t top-down. It was the best way of changing the world.


And how do you get people to start protesting with you, or help you with the organization?

It all comes down to drinking together. There I meet new people, and talk about actions and other projects. We drink, and then we decide to have a rally or anything. It’s important, just having a good time together.


What would you like to change about Japanese society?

Japan had a huge economic growth in the 1960s. Since then, though there have been some recessions, they have prioritized economic efficiency and profitability over what we need as humans. We have money and material possessions, but we also have this horrible society. Our communities have been completely destroyed. That’s what I don’t like about Japan. I want to change this.
Many things have changed these days. They tell us not to do this or that, all the small things I can tolerate in our everyday life. They tell us how to  live or behave. For an example, Ōsaka City banned street benders and also street karaoke, which was loved by homeless people. Things like this are happening everywhere. I think all this is connected. They ban small things. They don’t tolerate tiny evils. The same is valid for how they talk about the people who choose to work only part-time in order to do some other things, the ‘freeters’. There used to be two opinions about these sorts of people. One was that as long as it was one’s own choice, it was fine. The other was that one must have a real job. Now the latter is becoming louder and louder. And I feel like, ‘it’s not your business!’ Our society is becoming more suffocating.


So you are critiquing the Japanese government and the decision-makers ‘at the top’?

Yes. Politicians can deal with numbers, or how much money they spend, such as income and social security. They can also deal with infrastructure, such as loads. They can deal with what material possessions are all about, but they know nothing about what we need in our daily life such as friends, neighbors, and bonds. They don’t understand why and how much we are suffering.


What has changed so far since the earthquake occurred on March 11th?

It has passed only a few months since the earthquake, so I haven’t seen a big change in our society. But, the earthquake and the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant may have changed our minds. Before the earthquake, we couldn't imagine Japan disappearing, even if we had a serious recession. We still thought things would go on. This time, though, we have learnt that nothing is certain. Moreover, we don’t even know if we can continue to  live in Tokyo, though many pretend that they do not think about this. We’ve learnt nothing goes on  permanently. Things can change, and are happening. That’s why many people are gathering and rallying. Things may be changing.


Have you always been against nuclear power plants?

My position was already anti-nuclear before the Fukushima accident. I was exposed to radiation when the critical accident at Tōkai Nuclear Fuel Plant occurred in, I think, 1999.
Well, I don’t know how much I was exposed to. Maybe it wasn’t too serious. I happened to be driving the motorbike around there, without knowing about the accident. I love to motorbike and that time I was heading to Hokkaidō. But there was not much traffic, which was unusual. I only saw a lot of cops. When I arrived in Sendai, I read the newspaper talking about the critical accident, and when it occurred. I found out that I had been passing there when the thing was not yet stabilized. That was a horrible thing to hear. So I became interested in the nuclear power plant issue. I met the anti-nuke activists and sometimes helped them, though I wasn’t really committed to it.
But, I’ve always voiced my opinion when I’ve been given the opportunity. I don’t consider myself to specifically be an anti-nuke activist. But, this time I’m really angry. I’m determined to act against this.


What do you think about the Japanese media and the way they have been reporting about the recent events?

I don’t trust the media. The mainstream Japanese media basically defends the nuclear power plant policies. They just tell us what the government says. Their concern is only how to not cause a panic, but they do this by not telling us how serious the situation is. We are looking for somebody who is telling the truth. We need to know the truth. This is the most important.
Many say they don’t trust the mass media. On the other hand, there are still many who do still trust them. I’m worried about those people, who seem to complain about the media, but yet still trust them. They don’t know how much they actually trust them.


But on the other hand, alternative media is providing a huge amount of, let’s say, more ‘truthful’ information and critique.

I’m optimistic about alternative media such as the  internet. The experts tell us what the mainstream doesn't. On the other hand, I fear an information gap between what young people have and what old people have. Many young people showed up at the Kōenji rally, because they knew about it via the internet. The people who have access to the internet take the nuclear disaster more seriously. They have information. On the other hand, old people who watch only the TV news don’t think the situation is any more dangerous that what they are being told. I wouldn’t be happy if the old people were left behind. Even though the number of people who have internet access is limited, those who are instituting alternative media are still important.


Why has the time arrived to protest now?

Many have warned that the nuclear power plants are not safe. The government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have kept saying it is safe, and now it’s being proven wrong. Huge damage was done, and is still being done. If a thing like this occurs a few more times, Japan is done, I believe. Everyone took it seriously when the plants exploded. The crisis was obvious for everyone. But, now my concern is if the authorities have begun to lie again. The crisis is not over, but it appears to be calm. We are told it takes a long time to be solved. But, can we know how much radiation we are exposed to in the long run? If we know we have eventually been exposed to high doses of radiation a few years later, how will we react? Will we say, ‘It’s too late,’ complacently? I fear this. Now is the time for making much louder noise or the authorities’ propaganda will win. We must keep protesting, or we will regret.
I don’t really know how to do this, but I believe we have to be determined to make Japan give up all the nuclear power plants within the next few months. The longer the battle becomes, the more likely we lose. We need the momentum.


What is it that you’re rallying against? Who is the ‘enemy’?

It’s not easy to name who the enemy is. Obviously TEPCO and the government who have kept promoting nuclear power plants and the nuclear policies. But, who allowed them to do all this? We are eventually accountable for this. There have been dissidents, but we’ve eventually failed to change the course. So, we are all responsible. I don’t think that TEPCO alone is bad, though it may be the most responsible. Holding them accountable is important, but first we must stop all the nuclear power plants as soon as possible.


When you were organizing the demonstration for April 10, did you expect such a huge turnout of people?

Turnouts at the Kōenji rally were more than ten times higher than at my past actions. 300, or 500 people showed up at the past rallies. 1000, or 1500 people showed up at some events I organized with my friends, which were not exactly political rallies. I did many things with my friends, but this Kōenji rally was unique.


Why are there more people showing up now?

People are now really interested in the nuclear issue. 15,000 showed up not because Shirōto no ran organized this. Many are against nuclear power plants and don’t care about who is the organizer. They just felt this rally was easier for them to take part in. It is not that suddenly 15,000 people entered my inner circle, but it showed that many people were interested in this issue.


Do you think that it is possible for Japanese politics and society to change now?

I believe Japan is going to change. It must. A sense of values has been undermined. The people who have long trusted the government and the mass media now don’t know what to do. Many appear to think we should rebuild not only the disaster area, but also Japan as a whole, from scratch, on our own.
I want to scrap all the shitty stuff first.


When we talked to the CNIC (Citizen’s Nuclear Information Center) yesterday, they said that street protest isn’t enough to change anything, but lobbying is as much as important.

Lobbying might be necessary. But it is effective only when everyone in Japan shows anger and makes noise. I don’t think the rallying alone can change things, but I believe rallying is absolutely necessary.



Only in a chaotic situation when people are uprising, will the negotiators’ and politicians’ sympathy focus work. I hope it works well.


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